Hi Mr. Wakefield,
I just thought I'd pass along my congratulations at finally being vindicated by Ontario Hydro (or whatever they call themselves). CTV news had a lead story at lunchtime about OH finally admitting that there was a problem with the smart meters--specifically that they can have inaccurate readings. The readings tend to be higher than the actual hydro used. According to the story, OH told the government, in a letter, last year that there was a problem with the meters. Now OH is saying that the government should slow down on implementation. At least until OH can get the problem fixed. It may also mean a by-hand recalculation of hydro bills.
Should be interesting.
Would love to see a link to this since I haven't heard this in other media (newspaper, radio, TV, CTV website, etc)
ReplyDeleteThis is still happening. I am a GM dealer who just received a bill last month for $18,000.00. Hydro said they would look into bill and just pay what we would normally pay per month which is around $2000.00